Why Give
Supportive Services • Exceptional Quality • Diverse CommunityYour participation assures us that Hale Barnard will continue to provide exceptional services to a diverse population regardless of their age, race or financial standing. It is your support which ensures that our mission remains constant. Great or small, we thank you for your support. Unless specified for restricted purposes, all financial donations assist in covering operational costs and expanding our services.
Your tax-deductible donation may be mailed to Hale Barnard Corporation, 273 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116. For more information on donating to Hale Barnard, contact Margo Dean at [email protected] or 617-536-3726 ext 111.
Hale Barnard Corporation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization within the meaning of the US Internal Revenue Service Code. Your donation will be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please know that Hale Barnard Corporation acknowledges every gift in writing. These acknowledgements include the amount and type of gift made and state that Hale Barnard Corporation provided no goods or services in exchange for the gift, as appropriate. Please keep this written acknowledgement of your donation for your tax records.
Support Hale House
How to Give
There are several easy ways you can make a gift to Hale Barnard Corporation.
All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law, and can be made through personal or business accounts.
We are happy to accept Visa/Mastercard/Discover or American Express electronically by calling 617-536-3726 ext 111 or through PayPal on this website
Checks should be made payable to “Hale Barnard” and sent to:
Development Office
Hale House
273 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA 02116
In an accompanying letter or note, please indicate any restrictions to which your contribution should be attributed. All gifts without a designation will be committed to Hale House General Funds.
You can donate right here from our website via PayPal
Many employers offer employees a matching gift program which could result in an added gift to Hale Barnard. In addition, some companies will even match gifts from spouses and retirees. Please contact your Human Resources Office to obtain the proper forms required, and then send the completed forms along with your contribution to Hale Barnard’s Development Office.
Certain donors may be interested in “planned gifts” such as bequests, gifts of securities or Annuities. Planned giving is a special form of giving where friends can financially support Hale House in a lasting way beyond their regular gifts. Please contact your personal financial planner, tax preparer, accountant or attorney for more information about the benefits of planned giving or to discuss these possibilities.